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Shreveport Bossier Fun Guide

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Buffalo, NY: A Vibrant City Filled with Fun Activities
July 2014
By Brian Hayden

**Please click on the magazine page below to view the article**

  July 2014 -- Online Articles
>>Dealing with Common, Everyday Challenges
>>American Melodies
>>Get the Most of Your New Health Insurance
>>Getting Health Insurance When You Retire Early
>>Money Saving Tips for Seniors
>>Calling Doctor Internet
>>Symptoms and Solutions for High Blood Pressure
>>Judges Face Tough Decisions
>>Buffalo, NY: A Vibrant City Filled with Fun Activities
>>Marsha Hunt: The Black-listed Beauty Who Battled Back
>>Embracing the Rhone Rangers
>>Book Review of "I am Pilgrim: A Thriller"
>>Recent DVD Releases (July 2014)

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