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Shreveport Bossier Fun Guide

January/February 2024 Issue
>> In Praise of Mardi Gras Krewes
>> Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR
>> The Case of the Vet Who Wouldn't Touch Animals
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  January/February 2024

  January/February 2024 -- Online Articles
>>The Financial Cost of Smoking in Louisiana *Online Only*
>>Romance Scams on the Rise and Elderly are Particularly Vulnerable *ONLINE ONLY*
>>In Praise of Mardi Gras Krewes
>>Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR
>>Experts Predict an Upsurge in Travel
>>The Case of the Vet Who Wouldn't Touch Animals
>>Taste Adventures: When Dysgeusia Takes Center Stage in Health
>>The U.S. Constitution and the 22nd Amendment
>>Vitamin B12 Plays a Large Role in Proper Body Functioning
>>The Last Dance
>>Eddie Muller's Case of the Missing Marshmallow Monkey
>>Make These 10 Doctor-Recommended Health Resolutions in the New Year *ONLINE ONLY*
>>5 Things We Learned About Alzheimer’s Disease in 2023 *ONLINE ONLY*
>>Dear Marci - Why Isn't My Medication Covered? *ONLINE ONLY*
>>Soft Adventure: One of the Fastest Growing Travel Trends *ONLINE ONLY*
>>Navigating the World of Antacids: Traditional to Natural Remedies *ONLINE ONLY*

  Other Online Issues
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