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Shreveport Bossier Fun Guide

January 2023 Issue
>> Researching Your Family Tree? ArkLaTex Genealogy Association is Here to Help
>> Ithaca, NY: A Land of Gorges, Greenery, Gardens and Goats
>> The U.S. Constitution Has Withstood the Test of Time
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  January 2023

  January 2023 -- Online Articles
>>Researching Your Family Tree? ArkLaTex Genealogy Association is Here to Help
>>Ithaca, NY: A Land of Gorges, Greenery, Gardens and Goats
>>The U.S. Constitution Has Withstood the Test of Time
>>Sleep is Good Medicine
>>Bill Mumy: More Than 'Lost in Space'
>>Old Puns for the New Year
>>Sometimes They Get Away With It
>>It's Time to Begin Again
>>Healthy, Time-Saving Kitchen Tips
>>Bring the Family Together with Breakfast for Dinner

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